How to Attack Website using sqlmap

SQL Injection Attack - How to use and find Vulnerabilities

What is SQL Injection

A cyberattack known as SQL injection occurs when an attacker inserts malicious code into a SQL statement. If it is successful, the attacker will be able to access private information stored in a database.

The data can be stolen, altered, or even deleted if the attacker has control of the database.

What is SQLMap

SQL injection vulnerabilities are automatically found and exploited by a free programme called SQLmap. It enables us to gain access to a fragile database and examine web applications for SQL injection vulnerabilities.

Pen-testers adore SQLMap as a tool because of its versatility and simplicity. It was created in Python and is compatible with Windows, Linux, and MacOS.

Using SQLMap, we can execute a range of attacks. This includes data extraction, database fingerprinting, and even a  complete database takeover. Additionally, it enables us to bypass login windows and execute arbitrary code on the underlying operating system.

How to Install SQLMap

In both Parrot OS and Kali Linux, SQLMap is pre-installed. Use the apt package manager to install SQLMap on Ubuntu and Debian-based computers.

Also Use In Windows and Linux

Here is Command For Linux

1. apt install sqlmap

if you are using other platforms,you can find installation instruction here

2.sqlmap -h

The -h command can be used to check the help menu after installation is complete. This will be useful as a reference when using SQLMap.

How to use Sqlmap

An instrument called SQLMap is used to automatically attack SQL injection flaws. Using SQLMap, we can scan websites and databases for flaws and then exploit those flaws to gain control of the target database.

We must first locate a website or database that is susceptible to SQL injection before we can use SQLMap. To scan the webpage, we have two options: manually or with SQLMap. We can use SQLMap to exploit a weak website or database once we have found it.

The basic SQLMap command is as follows

$ sqlmap -u [URL] -p [parameter] --dbs

This command instructs SQLMap to check the URL and argument for security flaws. Data exposure, data updating, and even database dumps are all included in this.

Using query parameters is the quickest approach to determining whether a website is susceptible to SQL injection. Assume a website uses an id parameter to list user information, such as

If this is given to Sqlmap as input, it will automatically scan the website to check whether the database is susceptible. The order is as follows:

$ sqlmap -u --dbs

The --dbs command instructs Sqlmap to attempt to enumerate the database, and the -u parameter is used to give a URL.

If the assault is successful, Sqlmap will display a list of the tables and the database that ware used.


We can now work with the database once we've established a foundation. The command to list the tables in a database is provided here.

$ sqlmap -u -D <db_name> --tables

This command can be used to list the columns in a table

$ sqlmap -u -D <database_name> -T <table_name> --columns

This command will dump a database in its entirety

$ sqlmap -u -D <database_name> --dump-all

Other helpful commands offered by SQLMap include those for establishing cookies and cycling user agents. You may find a complete list of alternatives and other information at Sqlmap Documentation

How to Protect Yourself From SQL Injection Attacks

Use Parameterized Queries

When communicating with a database, parameterized queries should always be used. This implies that we must include placeholders for any user input in our SQL statements. When the query is run, we may then provide the input as a distinct argument.

This will stop an attacker from inserting any SQL code into our SQL statements.

Never Trust User Input

Any user input should always be verified and cleaned up to maintain its security. We must ensure that the input is free of malicious code and potentially harmful characters.

Even if an attacker manages to get around our usage of parameterized queries, this will prevent them from being able to inject SQL queries.

Use Prepared Statements

We should use prepared statements rather than parameterized queries if the database allows them.

Pre-compiled SQL statements are known as prepared statements. These commands can be repeated several times with varied arguments.

Since the prepared statements are already pre-compiled, it will be more challenging for an attacker to insert harmful code.

Moniterning and Alerts

Set alerts and keep an eye out for any questionable behaviors in your database. This includes several SQL queries or unsuccessful login attempts.

This can assist us in the early detection of a SQL injection attack and prompt proper counteraction.

Authentication and alert

Access controls and authentication should be strict for our database. This will safeguard our database from dangerous actors and ensure that only approved individuals may access it.


Every organisation relies on databases to function. Databases must be updated, maintained, and secured in order to be shielded from harmful actors.

With the aid of the effective tool Sqlmap, we may audit database vulnerabilities. For the purpose of thwarting SQL injection attacks, it is critical for developers and security experts to be knowledgeable with SqlMap.

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