What is OSINT ?
OSINT (Open Source INTelligence, Open Source Intelligence) or ROSO (Open Source Intelligence) collecting and analysing information from freely accessible (public) sources. It is both tools and methods, but also a lot of thinking. More than an assembly of tools and methods, it is customary to speak of a «state of mind focused on investigation, rigor and ethics. (ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with human behaviour and, to the conduct of men in this society)
The OSINT is divided into several categories:
- SOCMINT (Social Media Intelligence) is the OSINT centralized on social networks.
- IMINT (IMagery INTelligence) is the analysis of geolocated information, satellite photos.
- GEOINT (GEOspatia INT&elligence) is a practice involving the analysis of images and geospatial information
- IMINT is the analysis of geological/meteorological data.
- SIGING (SIGnal INTelligence) is the analysis of electromagnetic signals/radio communications.
- MASINT (Measurement And Signature INTelligence) is the analysis of sensor measurements (radio, nuclear, infrared, etc.).
Little more to know:
- RECON is the extraction of information related to websites/web in general.
Yeah, but is OSINT legal?
Totally, The very purpose of OSINT being to consult sources in open access, this method of intelligence is legal.
Onlyfans Dork
So , welcome to our site let me show you very first tips. Today I will show you how to simply "list" or “find” people on OnlyFans via google dorks.
First go to google
site:onlyfans.com "city"
site:onlyfans.com "name"
site:onlyfans.com "free"
Voice Messaging
90% of telephone subscribers personalize their voicemail with their first and last names. The trick is to use a service that allows you to go directly to voicemail. There are several such services. Personally I use https://www.repondeurdirect.com/.
Please note: this site has a charge. You must first call a surtax number and then type the number of the person to call.
In total, the process will not cost you more than €2. The price conditions are clearly indicated on the site. Or if you’re a big lazy, call him at night with an Onoff or, even worse, your number, wait until you get his voicemail.
Generate Google Dork Easily
Google Dork is a very effective technique of filtering content on the web, however, it can quickly become complicated to retain them all.
That’s where Dork Genius comes in. Dork genius is a free and effective dork generator and allows customization of your google dork easily
For more info https://dorkgenius.com/
Image research and analysis
All of us have wanted to find the name of a place, a street or a person.
Today I will offer you some sites that can help you in your searches.
- Image search that analyzes each element of the image you have inserted.
- Search engine that can also analyze images.
- Face recognition search engine that uses inverted image search for accurate results.
Or Use telegram bot @LCxRvsImgSrch_bot
18 Threat Hunting and OSINT Tools
- https://www.shodan.io/ - Search for devices connected to the internet and their vulnerabilities
- https://prowl.lupovis.io/ - Free IP search & identifications of IoC and IoA
- https://intelx.io/ - Search engine for data archives.
- https://netlas.io/ - Search and monitor devices connected to the internet
- https://urlscan.io/ - Scan a website incoming and outgoing links and assets
- https://fullhunt.io/ - Identify an attack surface
- https://www.zoomeye.org/ - Cyberspace search engine, users can search for network devices
- https://leakix.net/ - Identify public data leaks
- https://www.greynoise.io/ - Search for devices connected to the internet.
- https://search.censys.io/ - Get information about devices connected to the internet
- https://epieos.com/ - Search for email addresses and phone number
Web Osint
Useful Sites
- http://www.intelius.com – Person Background Check
- http://radaris.com – Person Background Check
- http://www.whitepages.com – Also offers free lookups on some people.
- https://www.iplocation.net/ - IP Geolocation Lookup.
- https://steamid.eu/ - Steam resolver, can view username history, games and friends list.
- https://www.domainhistory.net/ - Domain WHOIS.
- https://www.zillow.com/ - House Lookup.
- http://skyperesolver.net/ - Skype Resolver
Person Lookup
- http://www.ukphonebook.com/ - United Kingdom Phone, Person & Business Directory.
- http://www.whitepages.com – Shows some free information. Rest you need to pay.
- http://www.411.com – Person, Phone & Address Directory
- http://www.zabasearch.com – Person & Address Directory
- http://www.yellowpages.com – United Kingdom Business Directory
- http://www.411locate.com – United States Person Directory
- http://www.addresses.com – Person, Phone Number & Business Directory
- http://www.anywho.com – Person Lookup & Reverse Lookup
- http://www.peoplefinders.com – Background Search
- http://www.skipease.com – Site Full of Person Lookup Engines.
Criminal/Public Records
- http://publicrecords.directory/
- http://publicrecords.onlinesearches.com
- http://www.jailbase.com/en/sources/fl-lcso/
- https://www.instantcheckmate.com/
- http://www.courtrecords.org/
- https://www.auccr.com/free
- http://www.people-records.co.uk/Criminal-Records.php
- https://www.judiciary.gov.uk/judgments/
- http://www.thelawpages.com/index.php
Reverse Number
- https://haveibeenpwned.com/
- https://www.hacked-db.com/
- http://www.hashkiller.co.uk/md5-decrypter.aspx
- https://hacked-emails.com
- https://breachalarm.com/
- https://leakbase.pw
- https://vedbex.com/tools/leaked_database
- https://publicdb.host/search.php
- http://www.cmd5.org/
- https://md5hashing.net/hash
- https://raidforums.com/Forum-Databases – Databases
- https://www.nulled.to/forum/184-databases/ - Databases
Social Engineering (Educational Purpose only)
A small simple example:
Getting information through the mail
- Owner's name
- Date of last edit
- Google id
- Possible YouTube channel
- Possible names
- Public photos
- Phone models
- Firmware phones
- Possible physical location