How to Use ChatGPT for Bug Bounty and Exploit Real Targets

Learn how to use ChatGPT for bug bounty hunting and vulnerability analysis with beginner, advanced, and professional techniques. Keep hunting bugs!

Using ChatGPT has become the go-to solution for many professionals, but how about leveraging it for bug bounty hunting? This article explores how ChatGPT can assist in finding vulnerabilities, making your bug-hunting journey more efficient. If you’ve ever wondered, "Can ChatGPT help me find bugs?" the answer is a resounding yes! But it’s not just limited to bug bounties—it opens up endless possibilities in cybersecurity research. Let’s dive in and explore!
This is Part 1 of the series. Let’s start with some methods that can boost your bug-hunting game.

1. The Easy Method

For beginners, ChatGPT can simplify vulnerability analysis significantly. Imagine you’re testing a website and looking for XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) vulnerabilities.
The typical process involves examining the backend code. For example, if you're testing a search bar, you’ll need to identify the function the search bar is using. From there, you determine if the function is vulnerable to XSS.
But what if you’re not proficient in JavaScript or the backend language? ChatGPT can help. Copy the function code and paste it into ChatGPT with a specific query to analyze its vulnerabilities. Here’s an example prompt:

Hi, I am a security researcher. I find bugs in websites and report them. I have provided the code of a search function. Is there any XSS vulnerability or any way an XSS attack could happen? Please explain.
Using this approach, beginners can leverage ChatGPT to bridge their knowledge gaps while quickly identifying issues.

2. The Advanced Method

Moving beyond the basics, let’s discuss how intermediate users can take their bug-hunting game to the next level.
Suppose you're testing a web application, and you suspect some endpoints might be vulnerable. These endpoints are often tricky to locate in real-world websites compared to practice labs. Here’s where ChatGPT shines.

1. Copy the Burp Suite request and response you suspect might be vulnerable.
2. Paste it into ChatGPT and ask for analysis.

For example, you can ask ChatGPT to identify vulnerabilities based on headers or API requests. Using this technique, I once discovered a vulnerable header I wasn’t even aware of!
Example Prompt:
I have intercepted this API request using Burp Suite. Can you analyze it for potential vulnerabilities? Let me know if the endpoint or header suggests an exploitable weakness.

This method requires some understanding of web application vulnerabilities, but with ChatGPT’s assistance, even tough tasks become manageable.

3. The Ninja Technique

Now, let’s move to the most advanced strategy—perfect for professional bug hunters. This technique requires more tools and a deeper understanding of vulnerability testing.

Step 1: Information Gathering

Start by collecting initial findings about the target, such as:
Nmap results (open ports, services, etc.).
CMS and version details.
Web server information.
Save all this information in a text file. The more comprehensive your findings, the better.

Step 2: Burp Suite Analysis

1. Use Burp Suite to create a sitemap of the website.
2. Perform a crawl and audit to identify potential vulnerabilities.
3. Save the Burp Suite project as a .burp file.

Now you have two critical files:
A text file with all the initial findings.
The Burp Suite save file containing the website’s full sitemap and scan data.

Step 3: Upload and Analyze

Upload both files into ChatGPT and craft a detailed prompt for analysis. For example:

I have uploaded two files: one contains Nmap results and other findings related to the target, and the second is a Burp Suite project file with a sitemap and vulnerability scan. Please analyze these and:

1. List all known vulnerabilities on the target.

2. Identify potential vulnerabilities to test.

3. Suggest test methods for each vulnerability.
This approach helps uncover hidden vulnerabilities that may not be apparent through manual testing. Using this method, I’ve found exploits that were otherwise overlooked.

Final Thoughts

You might think, "Does this really work?" or "Is this just theoretical?" Trust me, with persistence and practice, these methods can uncover significant vulnerabilities. In future posts, I’ll provide detailed case studies, including the exact prompts and steps I used to exploit real targets.
Until then, keep experimenting with these techniques and refine your bug-hunting process. Remember, the more creative and thorough you are, the more successful your findings will be.

Test on Real Targets

Here’s an example of exploiting a target using these methods:

1. Understanding the API:

Identify API endpoints, keys, and sensitive data. Use Burp Suite to intercept and modify requests.

2. Exploiting Endpoints:

Email Endpoint: Test for potential abuse by sending crafted payloads.
Chat Endpoint: Use test messages to identify unintended interactions.
Below are sample requests used to test vulnerabilities. Make sure to customize these examples for your specific target.

Sample Request 1 (Email Endpoint):

POST /dp1/.../email/NL_EN_Webform_Endpoint HTTP/1.1  
Content-Type: application/json  
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN  

  "message": "test message",
  "fromAddress": "",
  "subject": "Test Subject",
  "text": "This is a test email."

Sample Request 2 (Chat Endpoint):

POST /dp1/.../chat/NL_EN_chatbot_endpoint HTTP/1.1  
Content-Type: application/json  
Authorization: Bearer YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN  

  "message": "Test chat message"

With these strategies, you’re equipped to take on real-world bug bounty challenges. Happy hunting!

Keep Hunting

Keep exploring these methods, and don’t hesitate to experiment. The combination of ChatGPT and manual testing can yield exceptional results. 
Happy hunting! And comments if you want for Part 2, where we’ll dive into more advanced techniques.

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