
Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional Neural Networks  This Course Includes: Fundamental Concepts: Introduction to the basics of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), includ…

HTML5 Simple Game Programming Preparation

HTML5 Simple Game Programming Preparation This Course Includes: Introduction to HTML5 and Game Programming Overview of HTML5 and its significance in …

Advanced Databases and SQL Querying

Advanced Databases and SQL Querying This Course Includes: Duration: Several hours of video content Format: Online, self-paced Assessment: Quizzes, pr…

Python Data Science: Unsupervised Machine Learning

Python Data Science: Unsupervised Machine Learning This Course Includes: 6.5 hours of on-demand video: Comprehensive video lectures covering all aspe…

Learn Ethical Hacking From 0 To Hero

Learn Ethical Hacking From 0 To Hero This Course Includes: Basic Cybersecurity Knowledge : Introduction to cybersecurity, web workings, and Windows f…

Learn System Design, Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA)

System Design, Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA) This Course Includes: Video Lectures : Comprehensive video lectures covering both theory and p…

Top Ten Cyber Attacks and Hacking Incidents

Top Ten Cyber Attacks and Hacking Incidents The Cosmos Bank Cyber Attack In August 2018, Cosmos Bank, one of the oldest banks in India, fell victim …
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